The York Rite

For all Masons, our masonic journey begins in our regular “Symbolic Lodges”, or “Blue Lodges” as they are more commonly referred to. It is here that we receive the first 3 degrees of Freemasonry and here that we are raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. It is in Blue Lodge that we are presented the White Lambskin Apron that we will proudly carry with us the rest of our lives and that we will one day be laid to rest wearing. It is in Blue Lodge that we are taught what it is to be a Mason and it is our Blue Lodge that is the cornerstone of all of Freemasonry.  Though it is only the first step in a long and fulfilling masonic journey, Blue Lodge will always be the place we consider home.

While Blue Lodge demonstrates what it is to be a Mason and provides you with a working knowledge of our fascinating history, it understandably only scratches the surface of a history that spans thousands of years. For this reason, many brothers choose to continue their journey into the York Rite. It is here that you will receive the rest of the story and here that you will finally receive that which was lost. The secret of a Master Mason.

Wauseon Masonic Temple is home to two York Rite organizations. Those members from Wauseon that wish to be Knights Templar generally join the Commandery located in Bryan, Ohio. If you are a Master Mason and you wish to continue your masonic journey into the York Rite, or if you are already a member of Chapter or Council and are looking to join another body, you can contact the secretary of Wauseon Masonic Lodge and we can assist you further.

  • Capitular Masonry – Wauseon Chapter No. 111 Royal Arch Masons
  • Cryptic Masonry – Wauseon Council No. 68 Royal and Select Masons
  • Knights Templar – Bryan Commandery No. 74 Knights Templar